Music has always been a big part of my life. I have always loved the way music can make you feel and how with just one song an entire crowd can be moved. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow says, “Music is the universal language of the world."  With a gift as great as music it would only makes sense to use it in whatever way we possibly can. I believe that bringing music into our classrooms will not only enhance every student's experience, it will get them excited to get up in the mornings and come to school. Having music during class, even for just a short time in the day, will give each and every student something to look forward to.  No matter what kind of day they are having it will give them an “escape” where they can block everything else out and focus on their studies.  I think that I can safely say for every child (kids and teens alike) that music is integrated into at least one part of their daily life. By bringing music into the classroom it will make school a place that kids will want to be.
   "People haven't always been there for me but music always has,” by Taylor Swift. To me this quote means a lot because music has always been there for me especially when I've had a hard day at school or when I got an A+ on a math exam. No matter what you're going through, whether it be sadness, frustration, or happiness there's always a song that will fit any of these emotions. In just one semester, kids feel all of these emotions because school can be a place that they look forward to. I'm the kind of person who does enjoy going to school but some kids say its like prison and they're trapped. I think that by bringing music into the classroom, kids will not only feel the excitement of learning but they will look forward to going to school everyday. Music in the classroom would create a whole different atmosphere. Even the teachers will have more fun because it will be something new for them.  Music in the classroom would help the learning environment become more enriched by adding a new dynamic for students to participate in.  
School means something different for everyone, for some students it is studying a lot and for others it is waking up at the crack of dawn to sit in a desk all day.  Maybe for some it entitles them to get straight A’s.  Well, being a student myself, I can relate to all three, but I think it is safe to say that for most students school means waking up early in the morning and being in a desk all day, which is very monotonous and boring!  This is one of the main reasons why I am doing this website; I don’t want the next generation to hate school.  A great solution is bringing music into the classroom, which will help kids get excited about learning.  Furthermore, it will enhance a student’s education and bring in a new perspective for teaching students.

Since working with this website, I have acquired a great knowledge and understanding for the Renaissance as well as for music and education.  This has impacted my life tremendously because I now know how much music and education affects people’s lives.  Also, I can relate my everyday life to the Renaissance because it helps me with problem solving and managing my time.